Catskill Center

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Protect the Catskills' Hemlock Forest - Learn about Hemlock Wooly Adelgid

An excellent short film (link below) describing the importance of the hemlock forest to the Catskills and beyond, and a complex invasive species that could have devastating effects on everything from water quality to the habitat and ecosystems of New York state, not to mention the Catskills.

It talks about the importance of hemlock forests and how much we are at risk of losing due to an invasive species, the hemlock woolly adelgid. But here at the Catskill Center, we are doing something to make a difference! We are surveying the hemlock health in the Catskills, developing an insectary, identifying the best places to release biocontrol, and collaborating with partners to understand and hopefully slow the spread of this forest pest! 

Learn more about our Save the Hemlocks project at Thorn Preserve and the work of the Catskill Regional Invasive Species Partnership (CRISP). The Hemlock Woolly Adelgid. A species few people have heard of - yet it is devastating the Hemlock forests and the delicate ecosystems that depend upon them. From infestations in our own backyards, the Hemlock Woolly Adelgid has already spread throughout the east coast of North America from the Carolinas up into Canada.

Since 1969, the Catskill Center has led the effort to protect the Catskills.  Our Mission is to protect and foster the environmental, cultural and economic well-being of the Catskill region. Become a member of the Catskill Center today to support our work.