Call for Art / Utilitarian Art Show 2018
For Immediate Release
From: The Catskill Center
P.O. Box 504, Route 28, Arkville, NY 12406
Contact: Katie Palm / 845-586-2611 /
Function or Form: Utilitarian Art Exhibit Call for Art
September 18, 2018: The Catskill Center’s Erpf Gallery is calling for submissions of functional art for their 3rd annual exhibit, Function or Form: Utilitarian Art. Accepted entries will be on display in the Erpf Gallery in Arkville, NY, November 16, 2018 through January 4, 2019.
An Opening Reception will be held on Friday, November 16, from 6-8 PM.
The dictionary describes utilitarian as “having regard to usefulness rather than beauty” but many handmade items, which have been created for daily usage, have great aesthetic appeal. A handmade quilt, a fall sweater made of local wool, an antique rocker with a freshly caned seat, a garage-forged hunting knife — these are all examples of welcomed submissions.
The 3rd Utilitarian art show is a celebration of artists, makers and craftspeople who create beautifully formed objects with a functional purpose.
Submissions should be sent to by October 15. If you have any questions about whether your item is considered utilitarian art, contact Katie at 845-586-2611 or
Function or Form: Utilitarian Art, will be on display November 16, 2018 through January 4, 2019 with an opening reception Friday, November 16 from 6-8pm. The Erpf Gallery, located at 43355 Route 28 in Arkville, NY is open Mon – Fri 9:30 am to 4:30 pm For more information, contact the Catskill Center at 845-586-2611, or visit
Rug by Maureen DeKaser